
Ashdown Forest.

Ashdown forest is apparently where Winnie the Pooh lives. It is about a forty minute drive from my house and is unique in the region since most of the plants found here are growing on acid soils. This was important for my for my pollen atlas since I needed representatives from the acid loving group for analysis. I was able to find three types of heather (Erica) in bloom as well as a rare and endangered species of Gallium. That said there was no Winne the Pooh or Eyore.

I though the tombstone memorial above would have maybe marked the birthplace or burial spot of Winnie but it commemorates the visit of JFK in 1963, the trees around it were planted in honour of his visit.

I spent most of Saturday hiking here, it has spectacular views out over the weald but is mostly managed forest. On the way home I visited Sheffield Park Gardens, see the next blog.

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