

Shipka from Pakistan working on salinity problems in rice is ever the serious man, but with a very dry sense of humour.

Carla, here celebrating her birthday is the sunshine in the lab, teaching everbody Italian while we all teach her our languages. She is a great Shrek fan.

See what happens when you leave your camera lying around, Carlos (photo taken by Beack at the Milenium Seed Bank) here puts on his best pose for a new dating site.


Unknown said...

Correct the spellings of name as "Shafqat" not Shipka. He seems to be really a dry person.

H said...

And the last picture was taken by Bea (not Beak) and the guy in it is Rafa (not Carlos)... :D. Hope your doing well.

H said...

Sorry I thought my name would show up automatically. This is Hanny saying hello from Mexico. Take care.